Saturday, March 28, 2009

Have you been to one of our free demonstrations?

Here's a photo of one of the last demos we had here in the store.

This was our own Michelle Cook showing how to use digital media in collage.
Check our current newsletter, and the website for the latest list of upcoming demos and classes.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New earth friendly products.

Manufacturers are finally catching on with pens by pilot , portfolios, and many new items made of recycled materials.
We also now have Bamboo easels, and pencil boxes, which are made from a completely renewable resource.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Saturday April 18th 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 a.m. $40.00 per person
with Lorraine Reynolds
Shed your fear of destroying old books, and make new ART with them.

Lorraine will show how she makes these fantastical, antiquarian artworks from old books, and help you make your own.
Deadline for sign up is Thursday April 16th and space is limited.
Call us for more information at 1-800-255-1290

Call to Artists! Childhood art

Our In Store Art show during May, June and July will be dedicated to Childhood. Bring us your Children's ART, portraits of children, or even your own impressions of childhood. Any age, any Media. call 1-800-255-1290, or look in our earlier blog listing under "Bring us your ART!" for more information.