About the Store

It's not shopping it's getting inspired!
Convenient parking, Personalized customer service, all artist staff.

LOCAL ART A continually changing selection of local art from original oil paintings to jewelry, cards, and sculptures.

Made in the USA!*We have American made lines in all areas of the store.

Knowledgeable Customer service, we have experience with many art materials and can reccommend the right product for your project.

 Our Professional Picture Framing Department continues to produce excellent custom picture framing finished work to suit every possible taste, and archival requirement.

WE'RE LOCAL. When you shop at Artists’ Mediums Inc. you're buying local and supporting artists, active with the arts and taxpayers in your community.

Thank you for your ongoing inspiration.
Find out more at www.VTmakeART.com

Chelsea Lindner
General Manager
Artists’ Mediums Inc.