Saturday, October 31, 2009


Are you wondering what we will have in our November, December and January 2009 show? We all need to make a living, and support the local arts economy and community. We are all in this together right? So lets do it!
A GIFT Show!
Make something to sell as a gift. We want an excellent show of brand new local art, a source from which to buy one of a kind gifts for friends and families during the holiday season, and still know our money is staying local!
(Remember, we only take a 15% commision, so the artist takes home 85% of their asking price.) Much of our show space is available for 2-d work, that hangs from a wire, so be creative... For rules and further information about showing here at the store, click here.

1 comment:

Sweet Enemy said...

Well, after saying that I probably didn't have anything to show, it turns out I actually do. Once I get it matted up, that is! Amazing what I find when I clean my studio.