Saturday, September 15, 2012

Is Photography ART?

Artists Mediums, is helping to organize an "Is Photography Art" Debate? Maybe three debaters on each team. Maybe something for the dead of winter in the middle of January? Ken Signorello of the Darkroom Photography Gallery plus "The Art in Photography" will organize the pro debate, Who is willing to argue the con side?

Those artists using photos to work from raises another issue. Is a painting made from a projected photo, art or is the photo the art? 
 This raises another question: is a photograph of an art object art? Then, if you really want to make your head spin: is a still life image, made by photography or other medium art or is the assembled object the art? We could really put together a thought provoking program that could be very popular, and may even need to be a series.  I don't think I have seen this sort of thing done in the area.  This could put Williston/Essex on the art map. 

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